Our President
Nick Nehman, MHA, FACHE
Chapter President
On behalf of the ACHE MN Board of Directors, welcome to the ACHE MN chapter website! Our Board is comprised of dedicated professionals from across the healthcare industry who are committed to serve the needs of our profession.
We will continue to offer compelling educational, mentoring and networking opportunities for all career stages throughout 2023. We invite your participation on any of our committees by reaching out to the committee chairs directly from the listing of board members.
For the coming year, we have developed four areas of focus:
- Maximize member experience by engaging new members and providing high quality events.
- Enhance personal and professional growth through networking events, student engagement, and fellowship advancement support.
- Improve chapter performance to maximize benefits and programs to our Minnesota members and affiliates.
- Increase diversity in all that we do as a chapter in order to broaden perspectives, increase creativity, and ultimately enhance performance in your organization.
We encourage each of you to participate in the education offerings throughout the year and to connect with other members of ACHE. Please visit our social media profiles on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
I want to thank each of you for being a part of ACHE MN and we look forward to getting to know you better and hearing from you.